Do you need something to send to your gals on Valentine's? Get your FREE digital download of five different funny Valentine's cards.
These include:
1. You're My Favorite Notification - perfect to show that you're not getting tired of your love's double texting
2. "You're Cute" Fortune Cookie - tell your friend she's still lookin' good
3. I'd Shave My Legs For You - shaving is by far one of the worst tasks in life. It takes forever, sometimes you get cut, and then after all that hard work, most times there's still a little patch of hair you missed. Tell him you'd go through all of that work just for him
4. Yoda One For Me - know a Star Wars/Mandalorian lover? Perfect. This is the card for them
5. Will You Accept This Rosé? - Drinking buddy? Perfect. Bachelor night? Perfect
These cards are perfect for a wide range of people. You can choose to send them straight from your phone, or print them out and gift them alongside a box of chocolates.